My top 5 most listened gardening podcast episodes of 2021
My top 5 most listened to gardening podcast epsodes of 2021. I started My Garden Podcast in spring 2020 and it's always great to look back and see which episodes you've enjoyed most. Here's the top 5 most listened to gardening podcast episodes.

No.1 most downloaded gardening podcast - Joey leave it!
Season 1: Episode 21- 4022 downloadsI've got a pet springer spaniel called Joey who likes to follow me around the garden and generally get in the way. In this episode, I reflect on my place in the dog ownership pecking order. This has been my No.1 all-time most listened to gardening podcast.

No. 2 most played gardening podcast - Tomato Emergency
Season 1: Episode 3 - 3784 downloadsIn 2020 I had a stab at growing a variety of tomatoes called Alicante, it was a complete disaster. In my No. 2 most listened to gardening podcast episode, I call in Delia, my mother, to help get to the root of the problem.
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No. 3 most heard gardening podcast - Corona wildflower meadow of hope
Season 1: Episode 11 - 3320 downloadsI planted a large patch of wildflowers as the world went into lockdown. In this episode, I reflect on the success of the project. It's a consistently popular episode with listeners.

No. 4 most listened gardening podcast - Best of My Garden Podcast season one
Season 1: Bonus episode - 2615 downloadsChildhood memories of peas, more dog trouble and planting strawberries in the pouring rain make up this compilation of my favourite gardening podcast episode of season one. Includes episodes: Peas Please, Joey Leave it! Plus Strawberry Shortcut.

No. 5 most listened gardening podcast - Peas please
Season 1: Episode 12 - 2247 downloadsDid you enjoy the best of episode? A snippet of Peas Please has already appeared in my chart. Here it is in full - growing peas prompts childhood memories of my parents garden.