My Garden Podcast - Season 3

My Garden Podcast - Season three

My Garden Podcast - Season three. Get ready for another season of real gardening adventures with My Garden Podcast - Season Three.

Springtime is here, and Penny is back with more flowers, fruit, and veg, plus her little helpers, Joey the dog and Casper the cat.

Together they navigate the joys, mishaps and challenges of gardening when you're not sure what you are doing but are willing to give it a go! Latin names for plants? Who needs them!

This year she's planting spring garlic and finding space for a glorious magnolia bush. There's the challenge of lettuce overwhelm and a neglected rose bush. Penny also tackles unruly Nasturtiums and shares her thoughts on TV gardening in a lighthearted rant during a greenhouse clearout.

Each episode of Season Three is filled with relaxing gardening chat, amusing anecdotes, and delightful surprises.

So, join Penny on her gardening journey, filled with enthusiasm, trial and error, and the sheer joy of getting your hands dirty.

Season Three was recorded on the summer of 2022.

My Garden Podcast - Season three

Red hot poker

Season 3: Episode 1 

My Garden Podcast season three. Penny kicks off season three with some supermarket red hot poker bulbs but the packet says they may not flower for a year! Episode page and transcript: Gardening podcast red hot poker.

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My Garden Podcast - Season 3


Season 3: Episode 2 

My Garden Podcast season three. Just how hard can it be to plant spring garlic? Penny's baffled by the instructions which include confusing gardening terms. 

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My Garden Podcast - Season three

Glorious Magnolia

Season 3: Episode 3 

My Garden Podcast season three. Penny finds space in the garden for a magnolia bush and get's a lovely email from a listener. 

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My Garden Podcast - Season three

Lettuce overwhelm

Season 3: Episode 4 

My Garden Podcast season three. Penny plants salad leaves including lettuce, little gem and rocket. This year she's remembered not to plant it all at once. 

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My Garden Podcast - Season 3

Rose rescue

Season 3: Episode 5

My Garden Podcast season three. There's no excuse, Penny should have planted this rose bush weeks ago.

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My Garden Podcast - Season three

Nasturtium mission creep

Season 3: Episode 6

My Garden Podcast season three. Penny's Nasturtiums are unruly and riddled with black fly. Gardening podcast nasturtiums: Episode page and transcript.

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My Garden Podcast - A gardening podcast

Gardening guff

Season 3: Episode 7 

Gardening Podcast. A greenhouse clearout turns into a lighthearted rant about TV gardening.

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My Garden Podcast - A gardening podcast

Hot dog

Season 3: Bonus Episode  

Gardening Podcast. Penny returns from holiday to a heatwave in the garden.

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