Gardening podcast - Flowers
Gardening podcast - flowers. Here are all the episodes I've made about garden flowers and there's more on the way.
Just a quick heads up if you are new to My Garden Podcast, this is a have-a-go gardening zone for people who love getting outdoors but don't necessarily have all the answers, myself included!
Happy flower gardening.

I heart geraniums
Season 2: Episode 16Gardening podcast flowers. Penny gives her geraniums some love, they're her favourite bedding plant.

Lovely cosmos
Season 2: Episode 12Gardening podcast flowers. Penny loves cosmos, so it's getting planted out again in a bed she's prepared with the no-dig technique. Cosmos episode page and transcript.

Gardening podcasts about nicotiana
What's that plant? Isn't it impressive!
Season 2: Episode 9Gardening podcast flowers. This week Penny is in the greenhouse potting on some nicotiana. The tobacco plant with trumpet-like flowers wowed neighbours last season.

Abandon all hope and nicotiana
Season 1: Episode 23Penny goes a bit zen over nicotiana success in season one.

Delphinium design
Season 2: Episode 6Penny has grand plans for an expanding garden bed and starts by planting out delphinium.
Gardening podcast wildflowers - The meadow of hope
Season 1: Episode 11Gardening podcasts flowers. As the first UK lockdown got underway in 2020, Penny decided to start a wildflower project. In this episode she checks on its progress.

Spencer the sweet pea
Season 1: Episode 14Gardening podcast flowers. A freebie from the plant nursery sparks a memory of unrequited love!

Gardening podcast about buddleia
Season 1: Episode 20In many parts of the world buddleia is seen as an invasive species, but they're great for attracting butterflies and insects to your garden.
Gardening podcast about roses - The greenfly gang
Season 1: Episode 10In this gardening podcast a bit of deadheading roses inevitably turns into a much bigger job.
Gardening podcasts about sunflowers
Sunflowers with Joey
Season 1: Episode 6Penny pots on some sunflower seedlings under the supervision of Joey the dog.

The bloomin' sunflower is dead
Season 1: Episode 18Drama in Penny's garden as she returns from a weekend away to find a mystery sunflower fatality. (Contains some light swearing)
More than 70 episodes of gardening podcast fun!
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