Send me a voicemail
What's happening in your garden? Just hit the button below to record a quick message. I'll use as many as I can in the podcast. You can record up to 90 seconds.
Unsure what to say? Just fill in the blanks
"Hi Penny, it's (your full name) from (your city and country).
This week in the garden I’m (what you are up-to, problems you’re facing, what you are doing next.)
You can follow me on Twitter/Insta* @(you).”
"Hi Penny, it's (your full name) from (your city and country).
I've just been enjoying (name of episode) and I wanted to get in touch because (reason why, maybe it made you laugh or you have a question) and I'd just like to say (your point). In the garden I'm (what you are up-to, planning, doing, having a problem with.)
You can follow me on Twitter/Insta* @(you).”
(Please just chose just one social media feed to mention)